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How to study chemistry for NEET through Online NEET Coaching

Next to biology most growing subject in NEET Exam is chemistry, most of the students think that chemistry is very difficult. Is it true? if you say yes then I bet you after reading the tips by Online NEET coaching you will understand how easy to crack neet chemistry, in this article I will explain weightages of all the chapters’ most important chapters and how toppers like me actually study physical inorganic and organic chemistry. This article will completely upgrade your preparation to the next level and will definitely gonna add some taste to your chemistry preparation, if you don’t want to miss that then read this article completely.


First, let us look at the weightages of all the chapters we have made this table column based on last 10 years neet exam paper analysis you will get 44% questions from class 11 and 56% questions from class 12 and I have given the chart below.

Class 11

Lesson% WeightageNo. of chapters
Basic concepts of chemistry2%1
Atomic Structure2%1
Classification of elements and periodicity2%1
Chemical bonding and molecular structure5%2
States of matter2%1
Redox reactions3%1
S-block elements2%1
P-block elements2%1
Organic chemistry : Basic principles and techniques4%2
Environmental Chemistry2%1

Class 12

Lesson% WeightageNo. of chapters
Chemical Kinetics3%2
Surface Chemistry2%1
Isolation of elements2%1
P-block elements5%2
D and F-block elements4%2
Co-ordination compounds9%3
Halo alkane and halo arenes3%1
Alcohol, phenol, and carboxylic acids4%2
Aldehyde, ketone, ethers4%2
Organic Nitrogen Compounds3%1
Chemistry in everyday life2%1

Do and Die Chapters

Lesson% WeightageNo. of Questions
Co-ordination chemistry9%3
p-block elements6%3
Chemical bonding and molecular structure5%2
D and f-block4%2
General organic chemistry4%2
Alcohol, phenol, and ethers4%2
Aldehyde, ketones, and carboxylic acids4%2
Chemical kinetics3%2

There are total 29 chapters in chemistry in that these 12 chapters are very important, you will get around 28 questions out of 45 questions only from these 12 chapters so give more time and effort to master these chapters first once you are thorough with all these 12 chapters you can comfortably score 110 to 120 marks easily no doubt it is valid companions without contacting remaining parts you can easily score 120 stamps still you think science is hard no companions science isn’t hard as you might suspect but don’t stick only to these 12 chapters because they may ask difficult questions from important chapters and very easy questions from non-important chapters. My suggestion is to study all these chapters and one more important point is while studying always start from basics for example if you are studying spdf block elements you must be very thorough in periodic classification lesson because without studying periodic classification you can’t understand spdf block elements so I ask you to start from basic chapters of chemistry like


Periodic Classification


Mole Concept Atomic Structure

Chemical Bonding and Molecular Structure


General Organic Chemistry

If you do like this your basics will be strong and you can monster other chapters very easily one of the main reasons for scoring low marks in chemistry is that students fail to study these lessons or they don’t understand concepts from these basic lessons properly and they start to study other chapters which are not at all effective if you do this mistake never ever do these mistakes again, If pillars are not so strong then the building will collapse easily always remember this points.

Physical Chemistry

There are 12 chapters in physical chemistry more often you will get problematic type questions from these lessons.

Lesson(Physical)                                                  {12 Lessons}
Solid State
Surface Chemistry
Chemical Kinetics
Basic concepts of chemistry
Chemical bonding and molecular structure
Atomic structure
States of matter
Redox reactions

Do most of the physical chemistry follow this strategy:

Step 1:-

Prepare good notes (read NCERT lines and prepare good notes according to my theory listening to lectures without taking your proper notes is just a waste of time even though you feel I can’t remember this for a long time you can’t do that because all those information you gather in lectures will be present in your short term memory which is temporary memory and it is necessary to repeat, revise the topics again and again after the space interval of time in order to move that content into your long term memory, so next time when you listen to lectures practice taking good notes).

Step 2:-

Solve problems while solving problems definitely, you will commit some mistakes.

Step 3:-

Correction (the third step is to rectify that mistakes by reading your notes again and again).

This is the ideal three-venture methodology for actual science assuming that you follow this procedure then certainly you can improve

Inorganic Chemistry

There are total 8 chapters in Inorganic chemistry.

Inorganic Lessons                                                              {8 lessons}
S-block elements
P-block elements
D and f-block elements
Co-ordination chemistry
Isolation of elements
Periodic classification
Environmental chemistry

For neet level examination it is mandatory to study first 30 elements and D and F block elements name , atomic number, atomic mass and it is very important to know about the orders for

  • Atomic size
  • Electronegativity
  • Electron affinity
  • Density
  • Stability

It is a general trend that examiners always ask questions from exceptional orders so always try exceptional orders on a single sheet of paper and stick it to the walls of your study room like others it is very important to study  the structures of inorganic  compounds don’t just manually look at the structures instead practice drawing structure while drawing don’t forget to study the bond angles it is very difficult to memorize all the bond angles what I am suggesting is you need to have a general idea like comparison which angle is larger and which is smaller and sigma upon pi bond ratios is important and for p-block elements writing as short notes and use mind maps for better understanding and if possible do a combined study with your friends.

Organic Chemistry

There are 9 chapters in organic chemistry.

Organic lessons                                              {9 lessons}
General Organic chemistry
Halo alkane and halo arenes
Alcohol, phenol, and ethers
Aldehyde, ketone, and carboxylic acids
Organic Nitrogen compounds
Chemistry in everyday life

These are the general strategies to follow to master organic chemistry.

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