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Best Indoor Plants for Your Home

“Bored in the house, and I’m in the house, bored…” This is probably the nth time you’ve heard or sang it. Wondering what to do during this pandemic just to feel like you’ve accomplished something rather than lounging around all day. To keep you busy, why not try to take care of houseplants?

We all know how this is going to turn out. Start with easy-to-care-for plants, and if you’re ready and dedicated to having plants as your kids, go on to the ones that require more of your attention. You’ll not just have something to do, but you’ll also learn something new. Planting basic fruits and vegetables is also an option. For starters, here are some indoor plants you can try.



Money Plant is an easy-to-grow houseplant that is perfect for beginners. This plant requires little maintenance and can be grown in the living room, kitchen, or bathroom. In addition, the money plant is an excellent air purifier and helps remove toxins from the air.

The money plant is a beautiful plant with dark green leaves and white flowers that bloom during the summer months. The leaves are thick and shiny, resembling coins hence its name “money” plant. It grows well in the shade and indirect sunlight but doesn’t do well in direct sunlight as it becomes weak due to a lack of nutrients such as iron & potassium, which are required for the healthy growth of this plant.



Aloe Vera is one of the best indoor plants at home. It is very easy to maintain and requires little effort to keep healthy. Aloe Vera can be grown in soil or water and require moderate watering. Aloe Vera needs bright sunlight but not direct sun, so it can be kept in a window that gets some light during the day without burning the leaves. In addition, Aloe Vera contains several vitamins, minerals, and nutrients that help fight off infections, boost immunity, and treat acne scars.



The Areca palm is a low-maintenance plant that can grow up to 6 feet. It grows well in well-drained soil and requires little water. This makes it perfect for the living room, as it requires little care or attention.

If you have pet cats and dogs, the Areca Palm is an excellent choice to grow indoors as it is not toxic to pets.



Sansevieria trifasciata, also known as the snake plant or mother-in-law’s tongue, easily grows succulently. This house plant can thrive in low light conditions and even survive a few days of neglect between waterings.

A common misconception holds that it requires little attention, but this isn’t true: Sansevieria needs soil that drains well and enough water to keep it from wilting. Also, some varieties have thick leaves that collect dust; you may want to clean off the dust with a soft cloth now and then.



Golden pothos, or peace lily, is a great choice for an indoor plant that can be grown almost anywhere in the home. It is a good air purifier and removes toxins from the air. It is also known to reduce stress and anxiety—making it perfect for those who spend a lot of time at home. However, if you feel like taking care of a plant is too much for you yet you want something to purify the air indoors, you can try the FIREFLY Yellow Shield.

To keep your peace lily happy, make sure you put it in bright indirect sunlight, where it will receive at least 4-6 hours of light each day. Then, water it when the soil feels dry to touch (but never allow them to sit in soggy soil).

Author’s Bio:

Rosette has a knack for anything DIY. She spent her younger years learning about the different hardware tools, lighting, and equipment in the hopes of establishing a hardware business in the future. Her career options may have changed, but today, she continues to write so passionately about her first love.

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