When a person is stressed, their body goes into fight-or-flight mode. The person’s heart begins to race, they start breathing rapidly, and their muscles prepare for action. While this response is good in certain situations, chronic stress can harm their physical and mental health.
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Signs of Chronic Stress
A person who is stressed continuously will become more irritable and anxious. They may find it difficult to fall asleep at night or stay asleep, and many stressed individuals become depressed. Headaches are often seen in these individuals, and these are only a few of the many effects of ongoing stress. What are some ways this stress affects the body and mind? How can Revive MD products help combat this stress?
The Endocrine and Central Nervous Systems
The central nervous system oversees the body’s fight-or-flight mode. When a person is stressed, the hypothalamus signals the adrenal glands to release stress hormones. When they are released, the heartbeat speeds up and blood rushes to important organs throughout the body. Once the threat is gone, the body returns to its normal state.
In people suffering from chronic stress, the body never returns to this state. The response continues, and health problems arise. The person might witness changes in their appetite, withdraw socially, or begin abusing alcohol or drugs.
Cardiovascular and Respiratory Health
When the body’s stress response activates, the person begins to breathe rapidly. Doing so sends oxygen-rich blood throughout the body. However, those with breathing difficulties might struggle to catch their breath when this happens.
The heat pumps faster, and blood vessels constrict. Oxygen is sent to the muscles so the person is prepared to take action. These changes in the body bring about an increase in blood pressure. The heart must work harder. Those who are under constant stress find their heart never gets a break. As a result, they are at higher risk of a cardiovascular event.
The Effects of Stress on Muscles
Muscles tense when a person is stressed. This reaction is designed to protect the muscles from injury. However, men and women who experience a great deal of stress find their muscles are never able to relax. They end up with body aches and pains, headaches, and more. These pains lead them to stop exercising, which can lead to additional stress, and pain medication usage, which isn’t good over the long term.
Digestive Concerns
When the body is under stress, the liver produces extra glucose. This glucose provides extra energy. However, a person who is chronically stressed may find their body cannot handle the glucose increase, which puts them at higher risk of type 2 diabetes.
The digestive system is also affected by chronic stress. Heartburn and acid reflux are more common in women and men who are constantly stressed, as this stress leads to an increase in stomach acid. They are at greater risk of developing ulcers, and some people who are stressed must deal with constipation or diarrhea.
A Weakened Immune System
Stress weakens the immune system when it is chronic. The body will find it hard to fight off germs and the person may be sick more often. In addition, this stress increases the time they need to recover after they become ill or are injured.
Supplements can be of help to those who struggle with chronic stress. The vitamins and minerals found in these products help regulate stress and calm the person. Talk with your doctor today to learn if these supplements can help, as no person should be continuously stressed. This stress leads to a lower quality of life, which no person wants. Learn more today to see if these supplements are right for you.