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Eye Care Tips To Keep Your Eyes Healthy

It is important to take care of your eyes because they are one of your most valuable assets. In addition, if you take care of your eyes daily, you could significantly decrease your chances of vision loss over time.

Taking care of your eyes has never been easier than it is today. Vision correction is available for most common eye problems, such as nearsightedness, farsightedness, and astigmatism. 

Countless eye drops are available on the market to help moisturize your eyes. For example, the Autologous PRP Eye Drops from Enrich can be more effective than traditional artificial tears in patients with severe and long-term dry eye conditions for increasing tear film stability and subjective comfort. 

If you have any concerns about your vision or how to maintain it, be sure to consult with an optometrist who can help you determine the best options for your needs and lifestyle.

If your vision deteriorates over time, it can be a huge inconvenience and even cause serious health problems. The good news is that there are simple steps you can take every day to keep your eyes healthy—and ensure they stay that way for years to come. 

Here are some tips:

Eat Well To Protect Your Sight

To keep your eyes healthy, you should eat a balanced diet rich in antioxidants and low in saturated and trans fats. This will help prevent the production of free radicals, which can damage your eyes and cause macular degeneration.

You should also limit your alcohol intake, increasing your risk of developing glaucoma.

Exercise Regularly

Exercise is a good way to keep the body healthy and fit. It helps us feel better, look better, and be more active in our daily lives. In addition, exercising regularly can lower our risk of heart disease, diabetes, cancer, and other health problems that may come with being overweight. 

Exercise also releases endorphins which help us feel happier!

Maintain A Healthy Weight

Fitting in a workout or walking the dog are easy ways to achieve this goal. Exercise can also help you sleep better at night, improving your overall health and aiding in weight loss. Studies have shown that exercise can even help with arthritis, diabetes, and obesity—all of which can affect vision.

If you are overweight, losing just 10 pounds could significantly affect how well your eyes work. Being overweight increases the risk of diabetes and high blood pressure—two conditions linked to eye disease—and being overweight has been shown to increase the risk of developing cataracts, glaucoma, and macular degeneration later in life (which causes blindness).

Wear Protective Eyewear

Did you know that most eye injuries occur due to simple accidents? These can happen at work, while driving or if you are walking near sharp objects. It is important to keep your eyes protected! 

You should first wear protective eyewear when going anywhere where there might be a risk of finger injuries or flying objects. This includes every place where power tools are used.

Some practices you can emulate include:

  • Wear sunglasses to protect your eyes from UV rays.
  • Wear goggles when you are doing activities that could cause eye damage.
  • Wear protective eyewear in a dangerous environment, such as a construction site or around chemicals.
  • Wear protective eyewear to protect against dust and debris coming at you while working on a project, such as sanding wood or painting walls.

Give Your Eyes A Rest

Let your eyes rest when you’re not looking at the screen. Take a break every 20 minutes and look away from the screen. If you are using a laptop, set the brightness of your screen to a lower level. 

If it is dark outside and you are still working on a computer, consider using an eye mask to block out any additional light coming into your eyes. This will help reduce eye fatigue and make focusing easier when looking at objects with high contrast.

Don’t Smoke

Do not smoke. In addition to causing cancer, smoking can damage the eyes and cause cataracts, macular degeneration, and other eye problems. 

Smoking can also cause:

  • Eye redness, irritation, and dryness
  • Blurred vision
  • An increased risk of eye infections

Follow The 20-20-20 Rule

To protect your eyesight, you should follow the 20-20-20 rule. Every 20 minutes or so, look at something 20 feet away from where you are. This gives your eyes a chance to rest and relax. 

And when you’re looking at objects close up (like when reading), take a break and look at something further away every 20 minutes or so, too—even if it’s only for a few seconds.

Make Eye Exams Part Of Your Routine Care

It is important to get regular eye exams. Most people will need a comprehensive eye exam once a year. However, depending on age, visual needs, and risk factors, some people may need one more often or less often.

Wrapping Up

We are all busy, but taking care of your eyes should be a priority. You can start by ensuring you get regular eye exams and wear protective eyewear when appropriate (even if it means wearing glasses inside). Once you start seeing the benefits of these small changes, we hope it will inspire you to make more positive habits part of your routine—including eating more fruits and vegetables!

Author’s Bio:

Deinah Storm works in the corporate industry, but she has quite a bit of knowledge about beauty, health, and skin care. On her free days, she finds solace in writing and educating more people about taking care of your beauty, skin, and wellness.

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